Is The Modern Church Biblical?

Is The Modern Church Biblical?

This video looks at the question, Is the modern church biblical? It was inspired by a Facebook post based on the popular statement by Timothy Kellier: “The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. This video takes us from the prophecies of the coming assembly, then looks at the assemblies […]
What Law Was Nailed To The Cross (Stake)? Ephesians 2:15

What Law Was Nailed To The Cross (Stake)? Ephesians 2:15

In varying degrees, various Christian denominations tell of how “HaMashiach” nailed the law to the stake (cross). This means that the law is either done away with fully or partially. However, is this what the following verse means? Eph 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; […]