Deuteronomy 28 Blessings and Curses Breakdown

Deuteronomy 28 Blessings and Curses Breakdown

Deuteronomy 28: Blessings and Curses breakdown. This chapter is probably one of the most critical chapters in the Bible for these end times. The rest of the bible tells us that Israel will be in bondage in the last days before the Messiah returns to gather them. This chapter, Deuteronomy 28, through its very pronouncements […]
What Law Was Nailed To The Cross (Stake)? Ephesians 2:15

What Law Was Nailed To The Cross (Stake)? Ephesians 2:15

In varying degrees, various Christian denominations tell of how “HaMashiach” nailed the law to the stake (cross). This means that the law is either done away with fully or partially. However, is this what the following verse means? Eph 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; […]
Is Water Baptism Necessary?

Is Water Baptism Necessary?

This video looks at the question: Is water baptism necessary? It examines claims made in a video that water baptism is no longer necessary. According to the IUIC video, baptism is now teaching of the word and not immersion in water. However, our video goes into more depth showing the spiritual meaning of baptism and […]