Women Should Be Under Subjection? What Does This Mean For Us Today?

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Comment (4)

  1. Vety very interesting. Lots to learn n with the help of the Most High Yahuah grow n change. Im also laughing cuz provision is not made today for these teachings n lifestyle. If we are humble n show honour to MEN then there's no need for derogatory names ( as well as men to women) these ways were taught. Dear Yah so much needs to be done in the removing De COLONIZING of our minds making Revolutionary changes in order to please OUR ALOHIM. Thanks for the reminders .

  2. I REPENT for not following the ways of YAHUAH, my EL! I ask for HIS mercy and that HE guides me in HIS wisdom that causes me to decrease as HE increases in my life. I pray for all the women of YAH, who are trying their best to walk in HIS way to find their strength following HIS path and humble ourselves. Let us continually seek HIS face always as we submit ourselves to HIM and walk away from this wicked world and its entrapments. Thank you YAH for showing us what needs to be done, and bless the vessels YOU'RE using to send YOUR messages.

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