Friendship Of The World Is Enmity With Aluah: What Does This Mean For You?

In James 4 he tells us that friendship of the world is enmity with Aluah. What doies this mean for us today? What we found will really interest you.

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Comment (5)

  1. All praises to Yahuah thank you for explaining the separation and what's required of us once we are separated and flee to Babylon. Always remember one teaching when you said there are two types that flee to the wilderness, one who is running from the destruction of what's coming and one who will allow Yahuah to refine us, chastened, rebuke, reproof and wash our filth away. Thank you for the many teachings, I praise Yahuah that he has allowed you to preach to us what is needed for us in this end times, repentance, obedience, and faith with works. May Yahuah keep guiding your path as we all seek what's pleasing unto him. HalleluYah

  2. Shalom brother. I am truly blessed to have come upon your in-depth teachings, biblically grounded and seemingly Ruach filled. I have a question: Is it your understanding that in "come out of her" means separating from our sleeping worldly family members; should we not attend funerals or family reunions, etc? Or use these moments as an opportunity to witness to them? Thank you. Peace & blessings.

  3. All Praises to The Most High Ahayah / Yahuah for His Promises and Covenant with our Forefathers.. ✨✨Qam Yasharal and get on your Pilgrimage.. we are going homeeee 🎶 🎶🎶✨✨

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