Satan, The Woman & The Truth

The battle between Satan, the woman and the truth.

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  1. If they would teach this during the classes they give before marriage it probably would avoid many divorces like I said probably Barak Yahuah! for this teaching Ach HallaluYah!

  2. Shabbat Shalom fellow sisters! 😊💕

    Galatians 3:28-29
    “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Yahusha HaMaschiach.
    And if you belong to Maschiach then you are Avraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

    My fellow sisters do not be dismayed by his words and worrisome convictions. Discern within yourselves and put before your Heavenly Father that has created you whether or not what he says is true?

    You control your own actions. If the Ruach of Prophesy is upon your lips as was upon the lips of other female prophets before you then carry out with zeal and boldly proclaim the GOODNESS of YAH! 💪🏾

    Surely it is more righteous for Holy woman of The Most High to speak in the congregation than a pastor with false teachings.


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