Flee From The Midst Of Babylon: What Does This Mean For Us Today?

Flee from the midst of Babylon. These instructions are found in Jeremiah 51:6, given to the children of Israel as instructions to follow at the end of their Babylonian captivity.

But exactly what does this mean for us today? Because we know the whole world is Babylon, so how can we flee? To where do we? When do we flee Babylon? Why should we flee Babylon?

After watching this video, you should get some answers which should enhance your understanding as to what this is saying to us at this time.

Flee Out Of The Midst OF Babylon Playlist:

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Video website: https://justaword.tv

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Comment (10)

  1. There is NO WAY you can flee Babylon. Destruction will come upon the WHOLE EARTH. Coming out of Babylon is Ruachal first which begins in our minds, the renewal and reprogramming of our minds from this Babylonian systems which is what we must come out of. YAHUSHA will come and GATHER US FROM THE FOUR CORNERS which means there is no specific place we have to go to or flee to.t He will physically deliver us out of this land. In the time of tribulation YAHUAH will save those as he has promised to and that is WHEREVER you are and those who trust in him and call upon his name Will be saved no matter where you are. We all will see and are seeing the hand and judgement of YAHUAH upon all the earth. ONLY if YAHUAH has instructed you to move for HIS purpose to Fulfill His Will then YAHUAH will grant that but as far as fleeing Babylon its a false doctrine.

  2. Todah robah for the edification. I am really praying about fleeing to either the field (remote area), the cities (populated and coastal) or to another country altogether for my family and my safety. Would you say if we can gather in communal living aside from going at it alone is ideal? It is a very uncomfortable and inconvenient truth that requires more prayer on my part. I do know we are in that season (end times; end of age) to as you say set ourselves apart (be Qadash) from Babylon, however, it’s the timing which is worth considering because many don’t have resources to build in remote areas or an airline ticket. Then I hear the truth saying we have to pit our emunah (faith) in Him (Isaiah 48:21 as you pointed out).

  3. Shalom Elder. I praise TMH Yah for your desire to teach our people, to ready us for what's to come.

    I would like some clarification please. In a different video you mention Iran and its allies "destroying" Babylon. Then in this one you speak of Babylon as a system. Which one is it?

    Thawadah/today raba 🙂

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