True Worship vs Worship Of The Beast & His Image

Today we look at true worship of YAHUAH vs worship of the beast and his image.


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Comment (6)

  1. Akhi I've been homeless and everything and have been redeemed to walk in the way. Is it a snare to have a good job, home and material possessions but not in love with them or this world?

  2. – – – Our Saviour YAHUUAH doesn't have but one whole 7 letters of completion name, and HE has had it from the beginning unto the end. And HE made all things in 6 days, and on the 7th day of completion, HE rested from all HIS work. HE is complete, just as HiS name is complete, in all things. HE also stated in Isaiah 52: 6, Saying, Therefore my people shall know my name: (That is is your problem, and that is the reason, ye are calling HIN by false names.) therefore they shall know in that day it is I that doth speak: behold, it is I. And another truth is found in Malachi 3: 6, saying, I am the Shaddah YAHUUAH, I change not; therefore ye sons of Ya'aqov are not consumed…….😢

  3. – – – Actually ye not knowing the truer name of our Saviour, proves also, ye are unordained, and need not to preach the WOIRD of our Saviour…….

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