What You May Not Know About Faith

The topic of faith is a common one, and our belief is even called our “faith.” But faith has been dictated to us by the world’s dominant religion. today we look at what we may not know about faith: hidden insights into the true faith of the scriptures.

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Comment (5)

  1. Jubilees 19:8-9
    This is the tenth trial wherewith Abraham was tried, and he was found faithful, patient in spirit.
    And he said not a single word regarding the rumour in the land how that Aluah had said that He would give it to him and to his seed after him, and he begged a place there to bury his dead; for he was found faithful, and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as the friend of Aluah.

    (Abram didn't say a word just like Rehab he didn't break his oath or covenant either, very interesting)

    Jubilees 17:17-18
    And Yahuah knew that Abraham was faithful in all his afflictions; for He had tried him through his country and with famine, and had tried him with the wealth of kings, and had tried him again through his wife, when she was torn (from him), and with circumcision; and had tried him through Ishmael and Hagar, his maid-servant, when he sent them away.
    And in everything wherein He had tried him, he was found faithful, and his soul was not impatient, and he was not slow to act; for he was faithful and a lover of Yahuah.

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