Why We MUST GATHER OURSELVES In The Land (Of Promise) At This Time

Flee out of the midst of Babylon has been a recurrent theme here at Just a Word. Today we explain more of why this is so urgent. We have no idea (it seems) of where we are in biblical prophecy. Neither do we seem to be aware of what is prophesied to the house of Judah.

Neither do we bear in mind that Israel were actually two nations that will be brought together in the end. As such, there are different ways of gathering both nations into one.

We will see what the house of Judah needs to do at this time. Remember, the house of Judah are the children of Yasharal who were brought into captivity all over, but most profoundly in the Americas.

Whether or not you are of the house of Judah or not, this should really edify you to get you more understanding of the end time gathering of the Most High’s children of Zion.

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Comment (2)

  1. Please post the video or teaching you’ve mentioned about the abomination of desolation. Thank You

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