The Wide Gate Or The Narrow Way: Where Are You Headed?

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Comment (6)

  1. Shalum Ach. Very profound teaching. It is of utter importance to consistently introspect our walk in comparison with the words, teachings, and life of Ha’Mashiac. Unless we are walking in the Ruach (Gal 5:25) & having whole heartedly decided to become disciples of YAHUSHA, we are in danger of being cast forth into the fire (John 15:6).

    In conclusion it is very far fetched to be able to do that while in THE MIDST OF BABYLON PARTAKING OF THE BEAST SYSTEM. This teaching is a reminder for us to stay SOBER & ABSTAIN FROM THE WINE OF HER (BABYLON) FORNICATION. We must be entirely purged of the dross (Isa 1:25) by Water, Spirit, & Fire.

    As YAHUSHA said : “If you say, ‘But I am weak,’ then examine your defects and take the first step to stability; but examination is a waste of time unless leading to rectification.”

    We must rectify our actions in Ruach & Amat that we may have BOLDNESS in the day of judgment, because as he is… WE MUST BE ALSO. (1Jn 4:17)

    Mercies & Favor of Aluah & The Master Yahusha Ha’Mashiac Be With You Ach.

    Tudah Yahuah

  2. Yadah Yahuah, bro Malkial here. The current world is made for many, but the world to come only for a few. Must be refined as gold in order to walk on streets of gold..

  3. 2 Corinthians 13:5
    [5]Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Yahusha Ha'Mashiach is in you, except ye be reprobates?

    Very timely and profound.
    Yadah Abba YAHUAH!

  4. I want to leave but I'm dialysis and I fear may be stuck here I'm not gainfully employed and I have no money or savings but I may have money from disablelity but how will survive with kidney treatments

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