No Salvation Without Separation: The Escaped Of Israel

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  1. Is every man worthy to have a woman subject herself to him? Obviously not. A woman can choose to not give herself to a man and devote herself completely to The Most High. After all, we are HIS bride. I wish every man was worthy, but it is not so. However, to those who are worthy and righteous in the eyes of YAHUAH, he is deserving of having a woman who respects and follows him. I personally love and respect the man who loves and obeys The Most High in righteousness.

  2. Is fleeing Babylon the same as being removed from the four corners of the earth into the wilderness? Isn’t YAHUAH going to use supernatural means to take us back to the land? Every Israelite does not have the means to flee.

  3. Shalom, I just want to say this sermon is a good whipping, rebuking and humbling for good and uprightness. Thank you dear brothers. All praise be to The Most High Aluah YAHUAH.

  4. This was a very well put together video! But I will address the one thing that bothered me and that was your response about women not teaching. Because I heard the message about fleeing almost 2 years ago this September, YAH allowed me to hear it from a woman. So in theory if I had waited for your video to come out, it would have taken me longer to flee then what it did. My friend and I have been praying and asking THE FATHER to raise up the men to teach because we understand the order. But let's keep it real, our men have failed us in this area. Yes, there are quite a few men on YT teaching but most of it is so out of order AND most of them teach against fleeing Babylon! I'm very thankful that a woman was the one that sent your video to me bit please remember if YAH can use a donkey, HE can most certainly use anyone HE chooses to get HIS WORD across. I didn't flee simply because of what this woman was teaching but because the RUACH was leading me and had prepared my heart years ago that what if THE FATHER ever asked me to walk away from my children (now adults) and my heart always said yes. I knew this would never be a problem for me even though I never came across the scriptures for leaving so when I saw them in conjunction with the woman teach to flee I was gone in 3 months! Again, I understand the verses you shared but unfortunately the men left an opening for THE FATHER to use whom HE used…a woman. I pray that I will enjoy the rest of your videos, like I said my friend and I have been praying for our Brothers and that THE FATHER would raise up a man fir such a time as this because we do prefer to learn from a Brother. 🥰

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