Differences Between Commandments, Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Testimonies and Judgments in The Bible

Differences Between Commandments, Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Judgments in Torah. Throughout the bible, especially in the first 5 books, we see mention being made of the commandments, laws, statutes, ordinances and judgments. How many of us have stopped to wonder what each one means? http://justaword.org.

How can we fully understand scripture if we don’t understand what they mean? Indeed, the word “commandment” is found 177 times in 167 verses, and the plural form “commandments” is found 171 times in 168 verses. This means, that term alone is found 348 times in 355 verses!

Today we look at the meaning of these terms by using the structure of the real life laws of Jamaica as a reference (man’s laws were inspired by the Bible). Please note that I am not a lawyer, but doing my best to bring clarity to these terms.

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Comment (9)

  1. my question is what do u get out of Ephesians 2:14-15 for He is our Peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; having abolished in His Flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace?

  2. Need a video on this
    Colossians ch 2 ver 14
    "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross."

  3. Appreciate the teaching brother. One question as this verse was used in the lesson – Leviticus 19:27 “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mark the corners of thy beard”.

    My understanding is it seems this is saying we should not have any haircuts at all or shaving the beard. Would you agree?

  4. You should start at Exodus with Moses and the 10 commandments, not Kings, thats later on after Israel failed to keep commandments. Then introduce why statutes, and ordinances were imposed such as leviticus ch 11.

    Heres where im at,,, firstly i follow Christs words, red letter KJV….he said in John ch 14-ch15 If you love me keep my commandments, my Father is greater than I and I keep my Fathers commandments(paraphrase)
    Walk in the spirit Galatians ch 5..
    .Keep Holy days, (includes Sabbaths) Feasts etc….
    Keep Dietaries …Leviticus 11.
    Acknowledge the epistles of Paul and filter the understanding that he followed Christ to the best of his ability and in doing so, he kept the commandments as a premise…..(according to Peter he was hard to be understood) read Romans ch 7v1…only lawkeepers could really understand his position, and he spoke to them mainly when it came to law.
    If you believe you are an Israelite by bloodline, then these should not be grevious, if you are whats sometimes called "of spiritual Israel christian" who goes to church….then you should have no problem keeping commandments,
    Pre Constatine 321ad christians kept law…sin is transgression of the law/commandments…1John, 2 John, 3 John covers that.
    Hebrews ch 10v 26 gives us no excuses for deliberate transgressions and no more redemption for sin.
    If Israel kept the original 10 commandments from the beginning, there would be no need for these statutes and ordinances.
    Over a life time we should by Christs strength and the Holy Spirits guidance and grace become more like Christ, conforming to his image.
    We keep laws in Christs strength, not to get saved, but its an outcome of trusting in him to be an overcomer.
    All praise to the Most High Almighty Father in heaven and our saviour Christ ha Machiach…shalawam

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