What You Must Know About Forgiveness Of Sins

This video goes deeper into forgiveness of sins to show that we cannot be sinning willfully. If you have sinned willfully in the past, do not be frustrated: repent, you never know if YAHUAH will wink at your former ignorance.

Many of us were taught that “Aluah will understand.” We thought that we could sin and the Most High will just forget it and not hold it to our account. Now you know, repent and sin no more!

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Comment (9)

  1. Thank you for this teaching, bro Chazaq. APTTMH for your wisdom. This teaching spoke to me deeper than words can say. May the will of TMH guide our actions and our lives.

  2. This teaching spoke volumes πŸ”Š … thank you Achk for another very insightful study.

    This life is not a dress rehearsal and therefore, we truly need to do our utmost to walk on the straight and narrow path to make it into YAHUAH’S Kingdom.

    All Praises and Esteem be to YAHUAH*TMH in the name of His beloved Son YAHUSHA HA’MASHYAKH πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸ»

  3. This is one of the best teachings I have found on this topic. I appreciate that you point to supporting scripture and also do so lovingly; I've been trying to find ones like this to show to some people who won't listen to me, in case maybe hearing it from another person may help save them, and so many do tell the truth but are very harsh and tend to make people cling even more to their existing religion instead of seeing how they've been misled. There are some kind people who are truly lost when it comes to this, and I sincerely pray more begin to awaken as I had to, as a person who was raised going to a church. It's really a huge shift to make, but such a huge blessing that I want others to have it! πŸ™ Shalom.

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