The Earth Is Given Into The Hand Of the Wicked (Job 9:24): What Does This Mean For Us Today?

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Comment (7)

  1. Great Teaching! I try to use the story of Lot when talking about Christmas and Easter to explain if we reject truth and get caught celebrating pagan stuff red-handed ; We will be in trouble worshiping satan directly or indirectly. SMH!

  2. Great teaching. Thank you. It reminds me of parable of the 10 maidens in Matthew 25:1-4. Five foolish because they where unprepared and 5 wise, who where prepared because they counted the cost and was prepared for the long haul however long it took, they will keep their lamps burning for their Master. Many people are not willing to pay the price of following the truth and abandoning all the lies they have inherited. They are comfortable in living a lie because they perceive that to be truth. I tell people, it's not your truth but the Most High's that counts. Sadly many are not prepared to fight the fight or run the race to the end as Paul says. If you are truly seeking truth, you should never be afraid if where it takes you in reference to the Most High. Love for Him will cause you to abandon all to be with Him. When we read that even the wicked ones transforms themselves into apostles of light we understand the magnitude of this deception when we understand that an apostle means a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular policy, idea, or cause.

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